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The Arts and the Spiritual Life

The Arts and the Spiritual Life

Friday 29 September 2023 7pm – 9:30pm

The founder of Triratna, Sangharakshita, saw the Arts as a way of refining our sensibilities and going beyond a sense of a separate self. He defined art as: 'The organisation of sensuous impressions that express the artist's sensibility and communicate to his audience a sense of values that can transform their lives' 

The Arts have the potential to take us out of ourselves and enable us to more profoundly connect with the world around us through slowing down and paying attention. Have we had the experience that the Arts or beauty can awaken in us higher states of consciousness? This evening is an opportunity to share that with others. 

After a brief talk, we will gather in the Shrine room, where we invite you to share anything that has moved you. Whether it is a piece of music, a poem, an object, or any form of artistic expression that evokes a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to the world. Even if we don't have anything specific to share, just talking a little about what brings this deeper sense of magic to our lives would help us learn more about each other and how creativity plays a part in our lives. 

Any donations going to a new women's ordination retreat centre at Tiratanaloka (cash only) 

Please let us know if you have any questions or need further information