Practice Night Class
A more in depth and intense class which includes Dharma talks, discussion, meditation practice as well as Buddhist ritual.
Suitable for those with more experience. Not suitable for beginners.
These sessions are for those familiar with the two meditations taught at the Colchester Buddhist Centre - The Mindfulness of Breathing and the Mettā Bhāvanā.
The session will start with chanting the Tiratna Vandana. The person leading the class will then ring bells to indicate the start of the meditation and the stages of the practice.
Please note this practice will not be led through. If you would like instruction then please attend the 8:30am morning meditation, lunchtime meditation or the Newcomers class on Wednesday evenings starting at 7pm.
Classes are free but your donations are greatly appreciated.
These sessions use an application called Zoom. To enable you to access this please set up a Zoom account if you don't already have one - zoom.us/signup
To join the Zoom Meeting
Click here
Meeting ID: 880 5130 1043
Passcode: 742321
For most modern web browsers, you do not need to download anything. For a better experience you can, before the start time, download the Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Mac, or Linux. You do not need to create an account or sign in.
A few minutes before we're due to start, click here to join.
Before the start time, download the Zoom Mobile App using one of the links below. You do not need to create an account or sign in.
A few minutes before we're due to start, click here to join.
The leader of the class will join just before 07:00am. Until this time if you try to login you may be asked to wait until they arrive. It is good to be ready for the session before you login, so make sure you are comfortable and have everything you need to hand.
When you join the session your microphone will automatically be muted although your camera will be visible, so provided that you are already sitting and still you should not disturb the class.
These sessions are for those who have experience with the two meditations taught at the Colchester Buddhist Centre - the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Mettā Bhāvanā.
No - just login just before 07:00am
There are no special requirements, just whatever is comfortable to sit in.
We don't charge for our classes, and the team are not paid for their time. We simply ask that those who are able to do so make a donation to the centre to help us cover our running costs.
See the link on our web site to enable you to make a donation.
All are welcome at our classes however if you are under the age of 18 please contact us in advance of joining the session (contact@colchesterbuddhistcentre.com)