Dāna Economy
Dāna is the Buddhist principle of generosity. As part of spreading the Buddha's teachings, we think it's important that we run our centre on the basis of dāna and aim to inspire a culture of giving.
All our classes are run by volunteers who aren't paid for the work they do. We don't charge for most of our classes, but simply ask you to donate whatever you can so we can cover our running costs.
This page provides an overview of our costs and income, as well as information about how to give. The centre is operated by our charity, The Triratna Buddhist Community (Colchester) and as a registered charity, our full accounts are available from The Charity Commission.
What It Costs
Actual monthly costs based on spending for our financial year ending June 2022. The average monthly cost of running the centre's activities is £4245 and our average monthly income is £4078.Total Monthly Costs
Wages and Support
Includes wage for our part-time Centre Manager, cleaner and support for our two Mitra Convenors.
Building loan repayments
Includes both the interest and repayments on the loans which were taken to purchase our building.
The costs of running our Retreats
Repairs and maintenance, and equipment purchases and repairs
Includes ongoing wear-and-tear, maintenance and upkeep costs
Bookshop costs
Insurances, bank charges, accountancy costs and DBS fees
Donated to other Triratna projects
Kitchen, office and shrine keeping supplies
Includes all our Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits, cleaning supplies, shrine keeping supplies like flowers, candles and incense, and office stationery
Rent of the space used for running classes in Clacton
Chair and Mitra Convenors meetings
Our Chair and Mitra Convenors attend meetings several times throughout the year for a week each time
Includes our website, fundraising costs and advertising
Where It Comes From
Our average monthly income is £4078. The vast majority of our income is from the generosity of people who come to the centre. We also make a small amount from running retreats and courses, bookshop sales and solar panel income. In 2022 we received a grant of £5393, this was to cover the costs of making improvements to the ventilation of the building following Covid.
How You Can Help
We hope that by encouraging you to give what you can those who are able to give more will help cover for those who can’t afford as much, and we can continue offering our classes free of charge.
One-Off Donations
Most people who come to our classes donate at the centre (we can take donations by cash or card). You can also make a donation online now.
Standing Orders
Many people who attend the centre regularly choose to set up a monthly standing order as a more convenient way of giving than donating every time they come to the centre.
You can find our bank details here to set up a standing order from your bank:
Account Name | Colchester Buddhist Centre R/C 1046724 |
Sort Code | 08-90-31 |
Account Number | 50278714 |
Bank | The Co-operative Bank |
Sponsored Events and Special Appeals
From time to time Sangha members also carry out sponsored events to help raise money for the Centre. See below for any current sponsored events and special appeals.

If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your donation can be increased by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you. This makes a significant difference, so if this applies to you, please help us by completing a Gift Aid declaration.
Gift Aid My Donations Learn More