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108 Year Puja

108 Year Puja

Monday 26 August 2024 7pm – 9:30pm

Each year we remember him on this date and it is an opportunity both to get to know him more fully through the recollections of others and to express our gratitude to him in the form of a seven-fold puja.  We have undertaken to do this for 108 years, and this will be the 22nd year of those 108.  None of us present on the evening will be around to see the completion of this undertaking but by taking part we keep alive a legacy of connection with our founder for those in the future to experience.


This year we’ll start by hearing from some of Sangharakshita’s closest friends - still living -  about their friendships with him and you are welcome to share your own recollections, either of meeting him yourself if you were able to do so, or through bringing something he has written or said that has particularly touched you.  We may even hear Sangharashita’s own voice joining us in the puja!


The evening will start at 7pm at the Colchester Buddhist Centre - all welcome.