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IN PERSON Morning Meditation THURSDAY 17th September

IN PERSON Morning Meditation THURSDAY 17th September

Wednesday 16 September 2020 9:30pm – 10:30pm

This is a meditation class for regulars who are familiar with the two practices we teach at the Colchester Buddhist Centre; the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Mettā Bhāvanā.

BOOKING IN ADVANCE IS ESSENTIAL so that we can maintain the safety of all those attending and to ensure that we meeting all the current guidelines in respect of Covid-19. 


When you book you will be sent full details of how the class will operate including all of the necessary precautions that we ask you to undertake to ensure your own safety as well as others attending the class.


Śrīkīrtī   Led by Śrīkīrtī
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More questions? Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to book in advance?

Yes. Advance booking is essential.

Our capacity has reduced due to implementing social distancing and we are therefore asking you to pre-book to classes via our website.

During booking you will be asked to provide your name and contact number for the purposes of attendance record keeping for NHS test and trace. This information will only be used for this purpose and the information will be kept securely. At the centre a signing in book will also be in operation.

How will social distancing be managed?

Please ensure you maintain social distancing at all times both in the building and if you are in a queue to come in. If you are unable to stand in a queue please arrive early.

Please refrain from hugging, hand shaking, elbow bumping or any other form of direct contact with non-household members. During classes there will be a short leg stretch, please stay within your allocated space for this period.

Will I have to wear a face covering?

Face coverings are now mandatory in places of worship, therefore please be prepared to wear a face covering at all times during your visit. If you are exempt from wearing a face covering please display an exemption card.

How will hygiene be managed?

You will be asked to sanitise your hands at the door, before entering the building and ideally also when you leave.

What will the arrangements be for using the toilet?

If you use the toilet please be prepared to wipe down the surfaces you have touched, in order to make it as hygienic as possible for the next person to use. Disposable gloves and cleaning products will be made available for this purpose.

Do I need to bring my own mat, cushion or stool?

Please be aware that we are unable to provide communal mats, cushions, blankets etc... as we used to. We will set up the spaces in the shrine room with a green plastic chair. If you do not wish to sit on a chair then you will need to bring your own meditation kit. If you bring any personal shrine kit you will need to take it away again with you as we will not have room to store it. It would be useful if you can indicate if you plan to bring your own kit or need a chair so that the room can be set up ready.

Will we be able to chant?

Due to the potential for increased transmission from aerosol and droplets only the class leader will be able to raise their voice and chant.

Will there be any devotional practice (chanting/recitation)?

Normally there will be some chanting or recitation lead by the leader who will be behind a screen.

Will there be a chance to tune-in with other meditators?

As with our previous morning meditation class there will not normally be a tune-in at the beginning.

Will I be able to get a drink?

Unfortunately not. The kitchen will be closed and refreshments will not be served, so please bring a drink with you if needed.

Will I be able to make a donation to the Centre after attending the class?

We will be unable to accept cash donations. We gratefully ask that any donations are made into our bank account (details on the website), via Paypal or a standing order is set up.

Are there any restrictions for attending the Centre?

Please do not attend the centre if you are unwell with Covid-19 symptoms:

• A high temperature (37.8 degrees or over)

• A new continuous cough

• A loss or change to your sense of taste or smell

Please be aware that, with this in mind, temperature screening will take place at the door via a no-contact thermometer.

Will we be able to meet people in the lounge area?

Unfortunately, we do not have the space to keep the lounge area in use, so you will be asked to go straight into the shrine room on arrival.

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